Leadership Barometer
Each quarter we poll our RetailCraft members for an attitudinal survey, covering their confidence level in their business outlook, competitive position, strategy and execution, team and leadership skills and the topics that are on their minds.
This current, moving index of confidence provides an insight to the sector – the now and the next.
Each quarter we publish the Quarterly Leadership Barometer, complete with charts, analysis, trends, key issues and insights. In addition the quarterly webinar and confidential briefs bring the research to life.
The Barometer is open to RetailCraft members. If you would like to contribute please apply. All applications are considered individually.
In return for completing the survey, leaders get:
- Access to the full survey interface, to chart and compare their answers compared to the overall survey or individual sectors, countries, seniority levels and role types
- Their own history of surveys to track changes and trends.
- Non-participants can download the quarterly surveys.
Sponsors and partners
To contribute to the Quarterly report, analysis or webinars, or to republish the results, please contact us.
Data and privacy
No personal or identifiable data is collected or stored in the survey. No data is ever shared.