Sector Reports

RetailX Sector reports take an in-depth dive into ecommerce strategies, consumers and market forces by sector in all regions.

Each sector report will give retailers a greater understanding of the complexities of ecommerce by sector through expert analysis, RetailX data and easy to understand graphics.

Sector reports are based on detailed interviews and case studies of the major players for each sector and are backed by our 8 years of RetailX research. 

Download our sector reports today for free via our media partner InternetRetailing.



RetailX Europe Luxury 2024

Download our analysis of European Luxury retail and ecommerce which explores the what, why, where and how Europeans’ buy luxury goods.

ConsumerX Report 2024 

Download our first ConsumerX report, at the heart of this report is the ConsumerX database, with findings from five years of consumer surveys.

Global Sports Goods Report 2024

Download 2024 Global Sports Goods Report in which we give a comprehensive overview of this dynamic sector through RetailX research, detailed graphics and case-studies.

DeliveryX Returns Report 2024

The 2024 DeliveryX Returns Report examines how returns are, more than ever, inevitable but manageable.